Reiki: New Year, New Energies: Energy Cleansing Through Reiki
My First Experience with Reiki
“Even though the body appears to be material, it is not. In the deeper reality, your body is a field of energy, transformation and intelligence.”
-Deepak Chopra
*One of my first blog entries, this piece holds a special place in my heart. Since experiencing Reiki for the first time in 2020, I decided to study the practice and get certified as a Reiki Practitioner. This practice has been one of my greatest spiritual resets. My hope is that it becomes the same for you.
I first heard of Reiki, a Japanese modality that uses energy to improve physical and emotional healing, through a friend of mine who swore by its therapeutic and Zen-like effects. After our conversation, like anyone, I immediately turned to Google to dive into this practice further (Thought process in typing into the search engine… “Shoot, does it have multiple vowels like Rakee or is it spelled Rayki?” truth be told, I tend not to spell correctly when Googling, thank goodness for “Did you mean… Reiki?”). A few pictures populated displaying hands with a white light in-between them, and a definition from Wikipedia that described it further stating that “[Reiki is] a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.” Huh, OK so what do these sessions look like? Or better yet, feel like? I was intrigued. One video piqued my interest further by stating its case “Where do you place your hands when you hurt a specific area on your body? The area in which it is hurt. What may you do when you see a close friend of yours? Embrace them in a hug. You are already transferring energy to yourself and others without knowing it, that is Reiki - the act of passing the highest and purest energy from the practitioner to the client.”
I am a huge believer in the universe (for me, guidance from God and my inner guides or angels) leading and gently encouraging you to take part in activities or relationships with new persons that will benefit you. For me, the second tap on the shoulder about this practice came from my Acupuncturist. She and I host brief conversations at the beginning of each session and I was explaining to her that I was interested in potentially learning more about Reiki, in which she immediately responded “Our co-worker is an experienced Reiki Master, with your permission, I will pass her information to you.” Alright, I got it universe, I should probably pursue this.
My email exchange with Danielle, the Reiki Master (a certified practitioner administering energy healing) was professional and educational. She explained to me that:
Rei = God’s Wisdom
Ki = Life Force Energy
Together, Reiki refers to Spiritually guided life force energy.
She specifically offers one-hour sessions on the front and back of your body (for me, front of my body only as I am currently pregnant - Doctor approved). I moved forward scheduling, although I still was a bit unaware of what to expect, I was open to officially transition energies into the New Year.
The session occurred in my apartment, on my couch (it was similar to a therapy session but through energy transfer). She first educated me on how I can protect my own energy and then asked what physical and emotional sectors I would like to focus on.
Physically, that was a piece of cake, I am nearly eight months pregnant and every day I wake up is rich with new surprises: So, I wanted to focus on strengthening my body. Emotionally, that was a tough one. I felt like a kid in a candy store, not because I am riddled with emotional upheaval, but because there was so many different directions I could go. I decided to focus on releasing mental blockages surrounding fear in starting my business along with further help cutting cords. And so, Danielle instructed me to lay down, surrounded by crystals and peaceful music, close my eyes, and she went to work, placing her hands over specific parts of my body that needed healing. It was not invasive whatsoever; it was as if I knew she was hovering her hands over my head but did not necessarily touch it. In some instances, she would ever so lightly, place them over my knees for example, but again, I felt at ease and comfortable.
Initially, my mind was racing. “Did I eat before this session? Am I hungry now? Never mind, let’s try to quiet my mind and be present… Shoot, I forgot to text Barbara back about confirming dinner! I will have to do it after this session.” What seemed like to be a few minutes in, I finally shut down my inner chatter and fell into a heightened sense of restful awareness. It felt as if my body was being restored, as though I was taking a nap, but in actuality, I was awake and aware of my surroundings. From that moment on, time passed in an instant.
When the session concurred, I slowly opened my eyes and felt an inner peace that made me feel as if it has been in existence all along. For the first time in months, I felt truly and beautifully relaxed (so much so, my husband immediately noticed it too). Trying to describe it through writing poses a challenge for me because it was an unexplainable shift and experience, one that has continued with me for the last 24 hours.
Danielle explained that there was a connection with a previous person that was deeply rooted within me and that, that energy was removed. I was a bit perplexed at first, but now, a day later, I could not believe her more. I feel lighter and comforted. As if a blanket has been lightly placed over my body. Not going to lie, I feel g-o-o-d.
Needless to say, I will be scheduling time with Danielle moving forward, perhaps when I feel I need another energy cleanse or booster. She made me a sincere believer in the practice and amazed me with the gifts a healing Reiki Master holds.
It may not be for you, but if this captured your interest, I encourage you to research it more and see if it is a fit for you, and where you are in your life right now.
Spiritual Spark Notes to Reiki
What is it? Physical and emotional energy healing from the palms of the practitioner to the client.
Preparation Hosted in an area of business, in-home or virtually. I meditated ahead of the session and cleansed our apartment (by burning sage, I will discuss the benefits of this in a later entry). I then journaled the physical and emotional healing I wished to accomplish during this session. All in all, I would recommend a minimum of 15 minutes to prepare yourself in advance.
Areas of Focus Stomach pains? Backs Pains? Trouble letting go of a relationship? Inform your Reiki Master and they will focus healing and cleansing your energies surrounding those specific matters.
Session 1 hr, time truly goes by in a blink of an eye.
In-person: Light overlay of hands throughout session, focused on areas where energy blockages may be stored.
Virtually (through Facetime): Conducted by laying down, phone screen faced wherever you’d like, focused on areas where energy blockages may be stored.
I recommend booking in the late afternoon / early evening. It was such a peaceful experience that rest and sleep came very easy for me that night.
Post-Session It is recommended that you take a salt bath to solidify the cleansing process post-session.