Part I: The Intuition: What is it?
Identifying What the Intuition is,
…and What it is not
Four months.
The Universe delayed me four months until I was given the green light to compose these intuitive pieces for you.
It took me listening to my own intuition, experiencing frustrations from my ego on why I haven’t “gotten to this sooner,” and heart-to-hand typing, for me to realize that the timing is now. For you, and for us, as I continue to wrap my mind’s eye around it (err… inside intuition joke, this is where it is said that your intuition resides energetically), to explore the magic of the intuition.
Of your Intuition.
I felt guided to break these up into four sections. Starting with this one, Part I: Identifying what the intuition is, what it is comprised of, explaining what its’ guidance may feel like, and lastly, ending this piece with what it is not. Just as critical as understanding what it is.
And if you are here right now reading or listening to this, it is very possible you were guided by your intuition to do so. I am honored to walk alongside you on this journey and witness the magic from within, as you recognize and stand in your own connected powers. Get ready, because there are a lot of moments you will say to yourself “Did that really just happen?”
Start believing it, start believing in yourself, and your innate ability to connect.
What is the Intuition?
The intuition is an inner knowing that gently and warmly guides you to thoughts, ideas or decisions that are for your best and highest good. It is the communication bridge between our earthly selves and our heavenly selves.
Intuitive-based decisions are usually instantaneous understandings, free of logical explanations and data-driven analytics, and tend to just make sense and feel right.
It is the first comforting answer that comes to mind. And is usually confronted by what I like to call, the brain bouncer, who toughly questions it before it is allowed through the door of execution.
When we aren’t exercising our intuitive connection, more than likely, the brain bouncer will succeed in shutting down its manifestation in the physical world.
The intuition is comprised of three components: your heart, your spirit and your Light Team,
who wish nothing more than for you, and for those around you, to feel and be your best and their best.
Energetically, the intuitive gateway is said to lie within your Third Eye Chakra, between your eyes on your forehead, although I truly believe it is also within your Heart Chakra and chest area, as well as your Crown Chakra, just above your head.
Where does the intuition get its information from?
I believe that the intuition is our heart and soul’s pure connection with our Light Team:
God, who oversees our Light Team of Archangels, Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters, Ancestors, Guides, Deceased Loved Ones, the luminous list goes on, who are championing us to make decisions that will result in the best possible outcome.
A team, who “drops” what can be perceived as random thoughts into our mind, ones that typically stop us in our tracks, and ones that feel good.
The guidance may not make immediate sense to us, however, God, the Universe, knows best and they see the bigger picture.
How do I know I am receiving intuitive guidance?
For me, an intuitive nudge, or yes, is an uplift in my chest, almost as if a glow has flickered on, and a warmth and comforting sensation that overcomes my heart.
It is usually coupled with goosebumps (which to me, is a very strong “YES!”) and triggers excitement.
An intuitive no is a gentle recoil, as if my chest is taking a dip.
It’s almost as if you just know, it’s a no.
(I should also interject that it isn’t a harsh “No! That would be dumb.” statement, more so like “hmm that doesn’t feel quite right, I should investigate this further…”)
These feelings and physical sensations are personal. They vary from person-to-person, but I have found that the inner glow of intuitive guidance is the most common thread.
We will be practicing gaining awareness surrounding the intuition within upcoming pieces, but I encourage you to recognize these signs between now and then, and mentally note which ones are yours.
What is the difference between an intuitive-based thought
and just… a thought?
This is where I am going to encourage that you first read my piece on our egos before proceeding to the remaining learnings on our intuition.
I am going to attempt to simplify this as much as possible without going down a rabbit hole.
Based on what I have experienced, we are made up of two mental states.:
1. There is us in the purest form, with the thoughts we are born into the physical world with, generally optimistic, still feeling human emotions, but views, values and beliefs that feel good to us, because they are our own.
This is also comprised of intuitive thoughts.
This is the real us, if you will.
2. Then, there is the external us. Comprised of exterior guidance, cultural influences, noise, internal chatter that contains words like “should be, should do, I need ___ because so and so told me I needed it” yada, yada.
This tends to favor our ego.
This is the influenced us.
When an intuitive-based thought enters the mind, we quickly feel its warmth, and witness in our minds eye a flicker of light turn on. The thought that this is “the one,” it is the answer we have been seeking.
An influenced-based thought quickly follows the intuitive-based thought and acts as the party pooper.
The fun sucker.
It is the risk management accessor that says “This will not work because of ALL of these reasons…”
When we are feeling disconnected from our pure self, our intuition, we favor the brain bouncer. We tend to go with decisions that don’t feel great to us, but our logic tells us otherwise.
Yes. It is really that simple.
And even better, it is… Reversible.
Through your own personal connection practices.
Part II: on The Intuition, How-to Connect with our Intuition
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”